Designed by: Mark Tynan, William Hailiang Chen, and Shireen Hamdan
Location: Jubilee Gardens, Kirkby Stephen, UK
Time: 2007.09.28 - 10.14
Material: LED, elastic core, steel cable, sensors, solar power supply, and others.
Contributors: Tai Hollingsbee, Francesco Anselmo, Andrew Cowell, Patrick Tynan, Amr Assaad, Fred Pittman, Chong Boon Pok, Steve Messam
Sponsor: Arts Council England, Arup
Designed for Europe's largest festival of site-specific art event FRED 07 sponsored by the Arts Council England, ResoNet visualises the resonant frequencies inherent in the natural environment, via the interaction of the public and surrounding elements detected by a LED net. By using Low-Fi techniques ResoNet creates a cascade of light triggered by the vibrations detected across the structure.
ResoNet's tensile web structure is stretched across a forest, like a spider web. A series of vibration sensors & LED circuit components are fixed at key intersections on the tensile network, to detect minute vibrations as a result of human and natural activity. Be it a brush of a hand, or a passing breeze, the energy is converted into light that resonates across the structure, immersing the public in a cascading visual of flashing light.
ResoNet explores the boundaries between nature, art and technology; to create emergent physical & ephemeral conditions. In November of 2007, ResoNet project was awarded 1st prize in the Bright LED international competition co-organized by Designboom and Gwangju Biennale Foundation, Korea. Entrants were required to demonstrate experimentation and innovation on the theme of LED lighting. A total of 3431 designers from 92 different countries participated.
All images©reso-net.org 2007
For more information please visit:

设计师: 马克·泰南(Mark Tynan)、陈海亮、絮琳·韩丹(Shireen Hamdan)
地址: 银禧花园, 柯比 史蒂芬, 英国
时间: 2007.09.28 - 10.14
材料: LED发光二级管、弹力线、钢丝及太阳能板等
支持者: Tai Hollingsbee, Francesco Anselmo, Andrew Cowell, Patrick Tynan, Amr Assaad, Fred Pittman, Chong Boon Pok, Steve Messam
赞助方: ·英格兰艺术协会 (Arts Council England) , 奥雅纳(Arup)
来自中国毕业于英国建筑联盟学校的陈海亮与校友马克·泰南(Mark Tynan)和絮琳·韩丹(Shireen Hamdan)组成的设计小组的参选作品ResoNet (共鸣网) 赢得‘Bright LED’ 国际竞赛一等奖: 光州市市长奖。Bright LED是由意大利的Designboom 及 韩国光州设计双年展(Gwangju Biennale Foundation) 联合举办。竞赛主题要求作品在LED灯光设计上有实验性及创意。此次竞赛吸引了3431位来之92个国家的设计师。获奖作品在韩国光州设计双年展期间(05.10.2007-03.11.2007) 展出。( Gwangju Design Biennale )
ResoNet是一个在户外的LED灯光装置作品。作品是由英国艺术协会赞助委托,特别为每年秋季在坎布里亚郡 (Cumbria) 举行的欧洲最大的户外艺术活动FRED 07而制作的。ResoNet是由Resonance(共鸣)和Network(网络) 两个词汇合并而成;意译便成‘共鸣网’ 。作品通过一个LED的网络与公众以及周边环境产生互动,将自然环境中截取的共鸣现象视觉化。运用Low-Fi技术, 通过共鸣网结构上振感器的触发,创造了一个光影闪烁的瀑布效果。 ResoNet的张力网像一个蜘蛛网一样横跨于树干之间。360个的振感器和LED布满在结构网上的节点上,去探测感应周边环境及人类每一刻的动静。风吹草动,这轻微的能量被转变成光影与整个网结构共鸣, 使观者沉浸于星光闪烁的光影瀑布中。

Film Editor: Simon R. Odonnell
Sound design: Tiantian Zhu
Time: 3'11'
短片剪辑者: Simon R. Odonnell
短片声音设计师: 朱甜甜
时长: 3分11
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