Organisers:Creative Prototyping Unit
Designed by: Mark Tynan, William Hailiang Chen and Zhao Liqun
Time: 2015.09.26-10.07
Location: Fu Cheng Men Nei Beijie Street, Xicheng District Beijing (Baitasi area)
Project Team:Matthew Smith, Stelly Li, Lin Xiuqing, Dai Shuyao
Contributors: Beatrice Leanza, Li Xinlu, Nicola Saladino, Su Xia, Zhang Wen, Wang Yan, Ma Tao, Zhu Jing, Zhang Fan, Yu Yang, Lou Jiali, Li Yidan
Sponsors: ·Tiertime 3D Print , Buro Happold
ResoNet awakens from a dormant sleep to shine once more in the vibrant Baitasi Hutong district of Beijing. Emerging from its origins in the forests of Cumbria, ResoNet morphs to float over an urban environment, immersing the public and street in an efflorescent visual of flashing lights.
Suspended in the tree canopy the web structure drapes above the public realm like a vortex. Two illuminated rings support a network of vibration sensors & LED nodes that are fixed at key intersections on the tensile web to detect minute vibrations as a response to human and natural activity. Be it the sway of the trees, or a passing car, the energy is transformed into light that resonates across the structure, and whilst the rings provide a constant glow for passers by, ResoNet bursts to life shining brighter the stronger the vibration.
ResoNet explores the boundaries between nature, art, architecture, and technology; to create emergent physical & ephemeral conditions. The project won 1st prize in 2007 Bright LED international competition co-organized by Designboom and Gwangju Biennale Foundation, S. Korea. Other exhibited venues include FRED07 (UK), LFA Greening Bays (UK) and Luminale 2010 (Frankfurt). ResoNet Team continues to explore further avenues with greater collaboration to develop the next sustainable evolutions of ResoNet.
Website: www.reso-net.org
Contact: info@reso-net.org
Beijing Design Week link:
Image©Lin Xiuqing

主办:原型设计(原名:原创单位)(Creative Prototyping Unit)
设计师:马克•泰南, 陈海亮, 赵力群
时间:2015. 9.26-10.07
项目团队:Matthew Smith、李祎璇、林秀清、戴舒尧
鸣谢: 毕月、李心路、Nicola Saladino、苏夏、张雯、王妍、马涛、朱婧、张帆、余洋、娄佳丽、李一丹
赞助方: ·太尔时代三维打印 , 标赫 Buro Happold
共鸣网(ResoNet) 是一个户外的LED灯光互动装置作品, 从原来坐落在英国坎布里亚郡的大自然深林中复苏,来到充满活力的北京白塔寺胡同与之共鸣,重塑胡同街景。
悬挂的网状结构像一个旋涡露珠坠在街道中。一连串的振感器和LED布满在结构网中的节点上,去探测感应周边环境及人类每一刻的动静。不管是自然的微微轻风还是人类的轻轻触摸,这些能量都将转变成光影与整个网结构共鸣, 使观者沉浸于星光闪烁的光影瀑布中。
‘共鸣网’作品在自然,艺术与科技的边界中探究,试图创造一个瞬间浮现的物理现象。此项目2007年赢得了由意大利Designboom 及 韩国光州设计双年展(Gwangju Biennale Foundation) 联合举办的‘Bright LED’ 国际竞赛一等奖: 光州市市长奖。参与的其它展览包括:FRED07 (UK), LFA Greening Bays (UK) 和Luminale 2010 (Frankfurt)。
联系: info@reso-net.org

Film Editor: Zhao Liqun
Music: Vangelis - Piano in an empty room
Time: 1‘09'’
短片剪辑者: 赵力群
配乐: 范吉利斯的钢琴在一个空房间
时长: 1分09秒