ResoNet Concept Visualisation 共鸣网概念方案
ResoNet Concept Visualisation 共鸣网概念方案
Diagram of interaction 互动图解
ResoNet Concept Visualisation 共鸣网概念方案
ResoNet Concept Visualisation 共鸣网概念方案

The name ResoNet is an amalgamation of the words ‘Resonance’ and ‘Network’. ResoNet is an interactive light installation which employs Low-Fi techniques to visualise the resonance frequencies inherent in the natural environment, via the interaction of the public and surrounding elements detected by a LED net.

ResoNet是由Resonance(共鸣)和Network(网络) 两个词汇合并而成意译便成‘共鸣网’ , 它是一个LED灯光交互艺术装置作品。 作品运用Low-Fi技术将一个LED的网络与公众以及周边环境产生互动,将自然环境中截取的共鸣现象视觉化。

All concept images© 2007

ResoNet Concept Visualisation 共鸣网概念方案
ResoNet Concept Visualisation 共鸣网概念方案

All concept images© 2007

Diagram of interaction 互动图解
Diagram of interaction 互动图解

1. Vibration sensors detect interaction between public/nature across the mesh network
2. The resonant frequencies transverse the tensile structure and is visualized via the LED’s
3. The LED’s cascade on/off in a ripple effect across the structure
4. The cascade effect may travel across and can overlap, based on the number of starting nodes, the energy displaced, and the tension in the mesh
5. The LED’s will fade out as the oscillation energy disperse and gets absorbed by the mesh structure. It remains static until the next vibrations are detected.
